
(Please note, some of these links are affiliate links. Purchasing through them will not affect the price you pay, but I will receive a small percentage from Amazon.)

The 12 Cats of Christmas

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"What you need is a cat."
When her beloved dog passes away just before Christmas, Gloria isn't sure about her best friend's advice. Holiday hilarity ensues when a new cat shows up on her doorstep each day. Who's leaving the cats? And why? Will Gloria's Christmas go up a poof of pet fur, or will it prove to be the most purrfect holiday ever?

This is a spin-off of the Kitten Files series and is a short story (approx. 17 minutes reading time).


A Mydlands Short Story

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Rigel and Rion Wyatt have just won the Spaceracer Championship. The young men are on top of the world until an enslaved girl named Aurora challenges everything they know about their sport. Determined to set her free, the twins must execute a daring plan with all the finesse and Champion Spaceracer team can muster.

Aurora is part of Mydlands, a Creative Commons sci-fi universe. It is a short story (approx. 17 minutes average reading time).

Stronger for Language

A Mydlands Short Story

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Kenzie discovers she has unique skills from hours spent translating what her twin 3-year-olds are saying. She just might save the day when her husband, the starship's captain, gets into a linguistic pickle with a new alien race!

Stronger for Language is part of Mydlands, a Creative Commons sci-fi universe. It is a short story (approx. 16 minutes average reading time).

Pioneer Horizon

A Mydlands: Nidus Short Story

Coming soon to

A group of scientists and the Marines assigned to guard them are on the surface of planet Novus-147 assessing it for potential human colonization. When a deadly storm rolls in with no warning, they lose contact with the USS Calypso in orbit overhead. 

Will they survive? Will they be able to reestablish contact?

Pioneer Horizon tells the origin story of the planet Nidus and its original settlers. It is part of Mydlands, a Creative Commons sci-fi universe.

This is a short story (approx. 14 minutes average reading time).

The Art Contest (short story)

Two days ago, the Nazis rolled into Marie's hometown. With her mother trapped in the countryside and her father ordered to perform piano concerts for the invaders, the 12-year-old's life is turned upside down.

When she learns there is more to her pianist father than meets the eye, Marie must work with him to sneak important information past the watching Nazis.

This is a short story (approx. 12 minutes average reading time). It contains themes of family, adventure, and trusting God in hard times.

The Heavens Declare
Five Children, Eight Planets, One God

13-year-old Brian and his family have a wonderful vacation planned. They've rented a cabin in the woods, and Dad is bringing his telescope along. It's shaping up to be a delightful time of playing in the woods, learning about the planets, and even meeting new friends. But all along the way, unexpected delays—and thunderstorms!—shake things up. Can Brian and his siblings trust that God's plan is the best plan? 126 pages, softcover, only $8.95 + S&H. (Read more reviews, excerpts, etc.)

Light of the World
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A power outage, a grumpy neighbor, a chess set, and the Light of the World... a living book about light.
Why do tomatoes look red? Why must Danielle call for an ambulance? What does refraction mean? Why is elderly Mr. Simmons so gruff, and what does the Edwards family know that will finally bring joy to his life? Find out in this warm, uplifting living science book. Join the Edwards family as they investigate the amazing properties of light and spread the light of the Gospel in their neighborhood. Don't miss this story full of fun, science, and mystery! 128 pages, softcover, only $8.95 + S&H. (Read more reviews, excerpts, etc.)

Pearl's Practice
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"When I grow up I want to get married and be a mommy." As Pearl waits impatiently for her new brother or sister, she learns and practices skills that will help her be a good mother someday. 52 pages, softcover, only $4.99 + S&H. Ages 5-8, great read-aloud. (Read more)

The Case of the Tabloid Tattler
(The Kitten Files #1)
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"I'm Mia.
I know how to write.
Why's that a big deal?
Because... I'm a cat."

Someone is telling the tabloids about Ms. Thornblood's every move. Is it the housekeeper? the cook? the maid? the handyman? The detective hired to solve the case isn't sure. Things are looking pretty hopeless until Mia, his talented cat, offers to spend a week at Ms. Thornblood's as a spy.

With time running out, and an embarrassing secret about to be revealed, will Mia be able to save the day—and solve her first case? 
74 pages, softcover or Kindle, ages 8-12, great read-aloud.

The Case of the Missing Hero

(The Kitten Files #2)

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"I'm Mia.
I know how to write.
Why's that a big deal?
Because... I'm a cat."

A goofy, shaggy farm dog is missing. Did he run away? Was he dog-napped? Normally the fate of a dog wouldn't concern Mia too much, but this one belongs to Keith's nephew.

As detective and cat dig deeper, they discover there are more dogs missing from the area. Will Mia be able to sniff out the location of the missing dogs—and solve her second case?

108 pages, softcover or Kindle, ages 8-12, great read-aloud.

Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it. Give up yourself, and you will find your real self. Lose your life, and you will save it.

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity