Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scribble Fest on Saturday!

Yep! That's what I said: Scribble Fest this Saturday!

As usual, set yourself a 10-minute timer and write as much of a scene as you can in that amount of time; it's about quantity, not quality, so don't worry about rewriting. (To read more detailed instructions and examples from previous Scribble Fests, explore the tag cloud in the sidebar.)

But this time, let's shake things up a bit. Before you set your timer, grab a dictionary. Now close your eyes, open the hefty book, drop your finger to the page, and read what it landed on. The word was "baboon"? Okay, that means you'll have to find a creative way to incorporate the word "baboon" into your scribble! Repeat four more times; you should have a total of five randomly chosen words you must use. (In case you're wondering, you can re-do only if you land on a word that isn't G-rated. Then please try again if you want me to accept your scribble. Otherwise, no picking and choosing; you're stuck with the words you get!)

Does that sound crazy, zany, weird, fun enough for everyone? Good. Then I hope to see you and all your friends, relatives, and blog followers this Saturday for some scribbling!


  1. That is very creative, Perry!! I think I will join in on Saturday! It's so much fun!

    1. Hooray! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! :)

  2. I'll try to make it! This one sounds like so much fun! :) :)

    1. I hope you get to participate. I look forward to it! :D

  3. Hopefully I'll have time to join in! :)


I am returning this otherwise good typing paper to you because someone has printed gibberish all over it and put your name at the top.

English Professor (Name Unknown), Ohio University