Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Vo · cab · u · lar · y

After the Scribble Fest at the beginning of this month, I promised to share a few thoughts about words and vocabulary since the Scribbles this time had to include 5 random words. Now that it's weeks later, I'm finally getting around to it. (Life gets a little nutty when you take a trip to the hospital.)

Reading through the Scribbles, it's easy to imagine some of the writers had to first figure out the definition and usage of a given word before they could begin writing. This is great! They acquired a new tool to use in their writing and everyday life. I wanted to share another way of broadening your vocabulary (other than participating in super-fun Scribble Fests!)

Via or you can receive a word a day in your e-mail inbox. Each e-mail will include definition, pronunciation, etymology, and usage examples. (Subscribe here or here.) To really make each day's word stick with you, try to use it in conversation or writing. Take time to explain to someone else it's meaning, usage, and any interesting etymology. This way you will not only remember it better yourself, but you will also help spread some handy words!

Words are wonderful! Do you have a favorite?


  1. Aww. I missed the Scribble Fest! Too bad. I haven't been reading many blogs lately, due to being in way over my head on a few projects... but look what I missed! I suppose there's always next time, right? :D

    Do I have a favorite word... Let me think... No, I like a lot of words. Often the more syllables they have, the more fun they are to pronounce. But then, short, succinct words are great too, for reasons of their own... By the way, you didn't tell us if YOU had a favorite word... so do you? :D

    Praying that your doing well! :)

    To the KING be all the glory!

  2. Too bad you missed it! I hope you can join us next time! :)

    Do I have a favorite word? I would say, in speech anyway, I tend to use the adjectives "fantastic" and "tragic." In writing, I have been happily cured of using the word "suddenly" far too often. ;)

    1. I hope I've cured myself of using "suddenly" in my writings too. :D

  3. Chocolate, babies, thick books, sweaters, autumn, pumpkins, more thick books, writing, sisters, etc.


Some said, John, print it, others said, Not so; Some said, It might do good, others said, No.

John Bunyan, Apology for his Book, line 39.