Sunday, November 18, 2012

Winners and Writing Prompts

Congratulations to Rebekah, Ophelia, James-Shannon H., and Aubrey on winning some new reading material in my Autumn E-book Giveaway! A big thank-you to Rachel Starr Thomson, J. Grace Pennington, Notgrass Company, and Jennifer Freitag for sponsoring the giveaways. It was great reviewing and sharing the books! Did anybody miss out on the giveaways? You'll have one more chance as I'm participating in a blog scavenger hunt and book giveaway beginning Tuesday, November 20. Keep your eyes peeled for more details about that!

What's this about writing prompts? Before the big giveaway began, I shared some daily writing prompts (see them by clicking the "Writing Prompt" tag in the sidebar) and promised we'd get back to them after the party was over. Well, since there will be a scavenger hunt in progress from the 20th to the 22nd, and since after that it's Thanksgiving time, I plan on resuming daily writing prompts Monday, the 26th. Why am I so interested in daily writing prompts? Because I am a huge proponent of daily writing practice no matter how small! Sometimes it can be hard to think of something to write about, and it can be fun to be randomly prompted, so make sure you're following by GFC or e-mail and let's get some daily writing done! If you want to share a writing prompt of your own, I would love that! Just use this form and share as many as you'd like.

See you on Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Thank you so much. :D I can't wait to read Jenny's book.

    Looking forward to the Scavenger Hunt! (I'm also a participating blog.)


When I want to read a book I write one.

Attributed to Benjamin Disraeli