Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What Should I Write for December?

Normally only my patrons get to vote, but this time YOU can help decide what I write next! Which short story should I release on Patreon in December?

Which one sounds interesting to you? Leave a comment!
[UPDATE 11/20/17:] Voting is closed! Between all the places I asked for votes, "The 12 Cats of Christmas" won! I'll be releasing it to my Patreon subscribers of all levels mid-December.

Think I'll find time to ALSO write "Snowbound Christmas" and release it on Kindle for everyone else?

Monday, November 13, 2017

Christmas Short Stories by Rebekah Morris

Christmas tour

Christmas time is here! Okay, so not quite yet. It's still over a month away, but that doesn't mean we can't start celebrating early, right? So today, we're celebrating the release of not one, not four, but eight new Christmas books! All written by Rebekah A. Morris. I'll be spotlighting two of her books today and you can find out more about the others as you follow the tour.

I thoroughly enjoyed both of these short stories and I'm positive you will as well! Check it out...

About the Books

Christmas Smiles

This was Lana’s second Christmas without her parents, who had died in an accident, and she was sure it would bering nothing but tears, because she and her aunt couldn’t seem to get along. When a frightening experience occurs, Lana, her cousin, and her aunt and uncle find unexpected cause for smiles.

Christmas Eve at the Back Door

The Great Depression is in full swing, and Mrs. Kabrick hopes to make Christmas a special time for her children even though they don't have much. With the back door constantly opening and shutting, time flies bringing cold air, visitors, and a very special Christmas Eve.

About the Author

Rebekah A. Morris is a homeschool graduate, an enthusiastic freelance author and a passionate writing teacher. Her books include, among others, Home Fires of the Great War, The Unexpected Request, Gift from the Storm, and her bestselling Triple Creek Ranch series. Some of her favorite pastimes, when she isn't’ writing, include reading and coming up with dramatic and original things to do. The Show-Me state is where she calls home.


Life was certainly a mess. It wasn’t anything like she had read in storybooks. ~ Christmas Smiles

“We may not have much,” Mrs Kabrick had often told her children, “but there are others who have even less.” ~ Christmas Eve at the Backdoor 

Tour Schedule

November 13
– Introductory Post
Read Another Page – Book Spotlight from the author
Kaylee's Kind of Writes – Book Spotlight
Resting Life – Review and Excerpt
Perry Elisabeth – Excerpt
Rachel Rossano's Words – Book Spotlight and Excerpt

November 14
Read Another Page – Book Spotlight from the author
Odelia's Blog – Author Interview and Book spotlight
Bryce’s Creative Writing Corner – Author Interview, Review, and Excerpt
Counting Your Blessings One by One – Review and Excerpt
Perpetual Indie Perspective – Book Spotlight

November 15
Read Another Page – Book Spotlight from the author
Whimsical Writings for His Glory – Author, Review, and Excerpt
Maidens for Modesty – Author Interview and Review
The Destiny of One – Book Spotlight
Rebekah Ashleigh – Book Spotlight
Stephany's BLOG Snippets – Book Spotlight and Excerpt

November 16
Read Another Page – Book Spotlight from the author
Laurel's Leaves – Author Interview
Stories by Firefly – Review
Claire Banschbach – Author Interview
Kelsey's Notebook – Review and Excerpt
Jaye L. Knight – Book Spotlight and Excerpt

November 17
Read Another Page – Book Spotlight from the author
Ruffles and Grace – Book Spotlight
With a Joyful Noise – Book Spotlight
Bookish Orchestrations – Closing Post

Friday, July 28, 2017

I Just Published Something (Try Not to Look Shocked)

Well. That felt good!
This morning I hit publish on a short story I pulled from the archives and polished up a bit.

Meet The Art Contest...

The Art Contest

Two days ago, the Nazis rolled into Marie’s hometown. With her mother trapped in the countryside and her father ordered to perform piano concerts for the invaders, the 12-year-old’s life is turned upside down.

When she learns there is more to her pianist father than meets the eye, Marie must work with him to sneak important information past the watching Nazis.

This is short story (approx. 12 minutes average reading time). It contains themes of family, adventure, and trusting God in hard times.

Available now on Amazon.
Coming soon to other retailers.

Review by Steve Mathisen: "The Art Contest is a delightful little story about a French girl who gets a chance to do a little thing to help the French resistance. Told from the girls perspective it is intriguing and imaginative. My only complaint is that there was not more of it."

Friday, November 27, 2015

HUGE Black Friday Book Sale


It’s that time of year. The time for buying presents, making wish lists, and planning New Year’s Resolutions. If any of those activities involve books for you, Indie Christian Authors has a perfect event for you.

From Nov 27 (that’s today!) through Nov 30th, more than 70 independent Christian books are on sale. You can find free shipping, $0.99 ebooks, package deals, and more! And if your budget is depleted from Christmas shopping, they’ve got you covered with some freebies. (Including book 1 of my Kitten Files series!)

Think 70 books is overwhelming? Narrow it down and find the perfect books for you or someone on your Christmas list by using this quiz to generate a customized book list.

What awesome reads of 2015 are you grateful for? What books are you looking forward to reading in 2016?

A note on the Ebooks Only page. All books are listed as “Sold Out.” This only refers to paperback copies of these titles. Please click onto the product pages to find descriptions and links to discounted or free ebooks.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Leah E. Good for her work organizing this sale, Gloria Repp for completing the time consuming job of uploading book info to the sale website, and Hannah Mills for her fantastic design work on the website graphics. Hannah can be contacted at hmills(at)omorecollege(dot)edu for more information about her design services.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Reader Survey for Black Friday Sale

I'm going to be participating in a HUGE Black Friday Sale with 23 participating authors and 71 books! We have some questions for you readers out there... Share your thoughts?

Monday, August 31, 2015

Look What I Got to Design!

...the cover for a new release by Lauren K. Lotter! It sounds like a lovely story, and I can't wait to read it!

Adah's world is turned upside down by the sudden death of her fiancée. After years of declaring that she will always be single, David broke down her walls and she fell hopelessly in love.

But just three weeks before their wedding, he is killed in a car accident. A happily-ever-after ending becomes a distant dream. Adah is lost without him and she tries to drown her grief in a crazy social life, but finds no peace.
In desperation, she heads off into the mountains, searching for a cure for  her broken heart.
Her lack of wilderness experience gets her into many predicaments as she attempts to live life as the pioneers did. No running water, no electricity, a rock slide, an uncooperative wood stove and an unexpected late spring blizzard nearly overwhelm her.
As if that wasn't adventure enough, a nearly frozen man appears on her doorstep in the middle of the raging blizzard. Adah is shocked to discover a young child cradled in his arms.  
While the little girl, Sarah, seems unharmed, Adah works desperately to save the man's life. With limited medical knowledge, she does the best she can, but a high fever and other injuries threaten his life. 
 The man, whose name is Ethan, regains consciousness and seems to be recovering just as the storm abates.
But flooding, mud slides and avalanches force the trio to remain in the cabin for the unforeseeable future.
Adah is disturbed by Ethan's talk of God. Raised to be an Atheist, any talk of religion bothers her. But the more Ethan speaks of his God, the more curious Adah becomes. Something about the relationship Ethan has with his God calls to her. It is more than just a religion. Could God be the answer? Can He heal her broken heart?
Join Adah in her search for the truth. Will she finally find the love she has been searching for all her life?

Curious about my design business? Check out my portfolio (http://perryelisabethdesign.blogspot.com) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/perryelisabethdesign).

Friday, May 15, 2015

Book Cover Reveal: "Where Shadows Lie" by Tialla Rising

Tialla was one of my earliest book cover design clients, so when she asked if I'd like to participate in her cover reveal I snatched the opportunity to finally, officially share this design. Sounds like it will be an interesting read (for older readers, obviously)--I'm looking forward to checking it out!

Check out the book cover and trailer reveal for Tialla Rising's upcoming release, Where Shadows Lie, and continue below to enter the giveaway! 

Release date: June 2015

Synopsis via Goodreads:

His dark past haunts him. His new life taunts him.

After twenty years in the gangs and a hefty prison sentence, an early release gives Shawn the opportunity to turn his life around.

But that isn’t so easy when gangs are involved.

Only a year into his fresh start, the gang catches on and makes Shawn’s life miserable. After all, once a gang member, always a gang member. His very blood belongs to them.

Threats become promises. Whispers become actions. Words become bullets. He must fight – not only for his life, but to save his honor, prove his integrity, and protect the woman he loves.

An ember of hope glows in the darkness, strengthening his resolve. Will her support and his determination be enough to dispel the shadows of his past?

A story of discovery and faith, love and perseverance.



Tialla Rising is a Christian young woman living with her family in the mountains of Arizona. She loves to write and will passionately spend hours long into the night developing her stories. Like most writers, Tialla fills her spare time with reading from her favorite fantasy and mystery genres. A good book, a stormy day, and an iced coffee comprise her favorite moments.



Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we.'

Mark Twain