Friday, July 28, 2017

I Just Published Something (Try Not to Look Shocked)

Well. That felt good!
This morning I hit publish on a short story I pulled from the archives and polished up a bit.

Meet The Art Contest...

The Art Contest

Two days ago, the Nazis rolled into Marie’s hometown. With her mother trapped in the countryside and her father ordered to perform piano concerts for the invaders, the 12-year-old’s life is turned upside down.

When she learns there is more to her pianist father than meets the eye, Marie must work with him to sneak important information past the watching Nazis.

This is short story (approx. 12 minutes average reading time). It contains themes of family, adventure, and trusting God in hard times.

Available now on Amazon.
Coming soon to other retailers.

Review by Steve Mathisen: "The Art Contest is a delightful little story about a French girl who gets a chance to do a little thing to help the French resistance. Told from the girls perspective it is intriguing and imaginative. My only complaint is that there was not more of it."


  1. Oh! I want to read this. :) Does it feel good to be publishing again?

    1. It does feel so good! I have a couple other things in the chute, too. So glad to be back at it!

      I *am* looking for ARC readers... Let me know if you're interested! ;)

  2. How exciting! Are you still looking for ARC readers? ;)

    1. I would be happy to send a review copy! Send me an email at admin (at) perryelisabethdesign (dot) com and I'll send you a link to download a review copy!


Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (without caring twopence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out of ten, become original without ever having noticed it. Give up yourself, and you will find your real self. Lose your life, and you will save it.

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity