Friday, September 21, 2012

I've Been Interviewed!

Homeschool Authors is "a blog dedicated to books written by homeschooled students and graduates." As I happen to fall into the latter category, Sarah graciously offered to interview me about my journey as a homeschooled author and the process of writing and publishing "The Heavens Declare." In addition to an introduction, the questions covered are:
What was your favorite part of being homeschooled?
What made you want to write books?
What inspired you to write "The Heavens Declare"?
Where can our readers get your books?
Do you have any more projects in the works?
Do have any final thoughts you would like to share?
Join me over at Homeschool Authors when my interview is posted next Monday, September 24th!
Oh, and just to make things a little more fun and literary, there will also be a giveaway of "The Heavens Declare" (e-book) to go along with the interview!


  1. Thank you so much for stopping by, and for being gracious when I didn't get things right.

  2. Sure thing! Don't forget I was the one who took forever and a day to actually return the interview! ;)

  3. Loved reading the review, Perry! I meant to comment before, but my life's been going haywire with the moving and all. :)

    To the KING be all the glory!


Some said, John, print it, others said, Not so; Some said, It might do good, others said, No.

John Bunyan, Apology for his Book, line 39.