Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Such a Character: Austin

I'm a cool guy. All of those tall girls with pretty hair give me a ton of attention, which I like. My hair is light brown--rather common; most everyone I see in a day seems to have light brown hair. Most everybody has brown eyes, so I must too. (Although every time I try to check I get dizzy in the head.) I know there are other people out there in the world, but the ones I see the most all resemble me. Anyway, my life is good and I'm content--except for when I don't get what I want or else I get something I don't want (like oatmeal). Then I exercise my powerful lungs. I saw this other really cool guy when we were out the other day. He was tall--taller than the tall girls--and he had big muscles in his arms. He reminded me of myself. I don't think I'm quite as tall, I will admit, but looking down at my arms--and my legs--I would say they're bulging too. So I guess I'm muscular like he is. All in all, I'd say I've gotten a good start in life. The rest ought to be pretty good.
Just so long as Mom keeps that oatmeal away from me.

Credit: diggerdanno


  1. Hahaha! Very cute! He's such a cool guy ;)

  2. ROFL That's a good sketch! Love his name too! :)

    1. Thanks, Rebekah! I love trying out unusual perspectives.

  3. Love it!!! Sometimes I think they really do think of themselves this way....

  4. Yes, sometimes you can just see it in their eyes and in the way they sit so commandingly in the stroller. ;)

  5. I love it! It is really funny! At first I didn't know he was a baby. : )

  6. SOO cute!
    I totally agree with the oatmeal part. ;D
    It is funny how he thinks he is so muscular when he is really just chubby.
    "Every time I check I get dizzy." Hee, Hee!

    1. So glad you enjoyed it! I thought the oatmeal comments might resonate with y'all! ;)


Fairy tales are more than true — not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten.

G.K. Chesterton